While it's documented that use of Viagra is associated with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, or transient ischemic attack (a mini-stroke), the causal relationship isn't clear. The correlation doesn't necessarily mean that the drug per se caused the heart attacks or strokes. It may be that men who are more at risk for those events are also more likely to use Viagra. Their erectile dysfunction may be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. Or, if they were already at risk, it may be that the physical exertion and elevation of blood pressure during sex precipitated the heart attack or stroke. This is why it's so important to consult with a physician and review your medical history before taking Viagra, or any drug.
On the flip side, it's true that for several years, doctors have been researching the use of sildenafil to facilitate stroke recovery. Note that the drug is used to treat damage to the brain after a stroke - it's not used for stroke prevention. In laboratory settings, Viagra has been shown to aid mice in recovering from stroke damage, by helping regrow brain cells. And there have been reports of the drug being used successfully to treat human stroke victims. In a particularly dramatic case, a woman with "locked in syndrome" - paralysis so complete she could only move her eyes up and down - was able to move all four limbs and make facial expressions following treatment with sildenafil. Her doctors seemed a bit reluctant to definitively credit Viagra for her remarkable recovery, but it's been established that the drug can assist in neurological regeneration. The mechanism involved in sildenafil's effect on brain tissue is unrelated to those that make the drug effective for treating erectile dysfunction and hypertension.
There are a variety of risk factors - genetics, lifestyle, diet, as well as medications - that are associated with strokes. As always, talk to your doctor about these risks before using Viagra, follow up on any concerns, and continue to get regular checkups while using the drug.