You can get too much of a good thing, and that includes Viagra. For most people, the recommended dosage of 50mg or 100mg suffices, and they have no reason to take more than that. It's not advisable to take more than 100mg in a 24-hour period. And if the recommended dosage is working for you, why waste the pills?
But there have been cases reported of men taking excessive doses, and suffering the consequences. Viagra is sometimes abused recreationally by younger guys who don't have ED, and used in combination with other drugs, like ecstasy. In those situations, folks may be altered or drunk, and aren't aware of (or don't care) how much they're ingesting. Like Tom Kaulitz, the 20-year-old guitarist of German rock group Tokio Hotel, who overindulged during a tour of Asia after getting the tablets (and probably a few other things) from a drug dealer. Not exercising the best judgment, he popped several pills and woke up with a killer headache and blurry vision that lasted two days.
All things considered, he got off easy, unlike the Russian dude who supposedly downed a whole bottle to fuel a 12-hour sex marathon with two women, with a $4300 wager riding on it. He made it through the 12 hours, then promptly had a heart attack and died. He was 28. Medics said it was likely the excessive Viagra killed him. A bottle of Viagra has about 30 100mg tablets, so that would be 3000mg. I'm surprised his head (or another body part) didn't just explode first.
In laboratory settings, researchers have given people up to 800mg of Viagra, and they survived, but that was in a monitored clinical setting. And I'll bet those guys weren't having much fun. Too much of the drug can cause your blood pressure to drop dangerously. Symptoms of a Viagra overdose can include headache, blurred vision, nausea, dizziness and fainting, and irregular heartbeat. And there can be worse effects, like heart attacks and strokes.
So don't go overboard trying to fuel any record-breaking sex sessions, or the only thing that's going to be pounding is your head. Taken in normal quantities under a doctor's supervision, Viagra is a safe drug. But if you do suspect you've ingested too much Viagra, or are having a drug interaction, get medical help immediately.