Henry Kissinger once said that power was the ultimate aphrodisiac. Even so, apparently the ultimate aphrodisiac needs a helping hand sometimes. A former personal chef and manservant of the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has revealed intimate details about Gaddafi's sex life, including the fact that he had a serious Viagra habit. In fact, he took so many of the pills that his nurse told him to cut down.
While his use may have been excessive, the pills weren't going to waste. According to his servant, Gaddafi slept with up to four women a day. This is where it gets disturbing. Well, more disturbing. Apparently many of the women, including members of Gaddafi's elite squad of female bodyguards, were forced to have sex, and some were injured.
Though sad, this is not surprising. Gaddafi abused power, he abused Viagra - you put the two together and things get ugly. Reportedly Saddam Hussein had a thing for Viagra too.
Here's hoping that we don't get any more unsavory revelations about Gaddafi's personal life. His obsession with Condoleezza Rice was creepy enough.
While his use may have been excessive, the pills weren't going to waste. According to his servant, Gaddafi slept with up to four women a day. This is where it gets disturbing. Well, more disturbing. Apparently many of the women, including members of Gaddafi's elite squad of female bodyguards, were forced to have sex, and some were injured.
Though sad, this is not surprising. Gaddafi abused power, he abused Viagra - you put the two together and things get ugly. Reportedly Saddam Hussein had a thing for Viagra too.
Here's hoping that we don't get any more unsavory revelations about Gaddafi's personal life. His obsession with Condoleezza Rice was creepy enough.