But not so fast, there, Skippy - the drug has yet to be approved by the FDA. Vivus' application for approval has been accepted, but it could still be a while.
In the meantime, what can you do if you're feeling amorous yet pressed for time? Viagra usually takes 30 - 60 minutes to go into effect, although many of our readers testify that they feel the effects in as little as 15 minutes. Taking the drug on an empty stomach may help it get into your system quicker. Keep in mind that fatty foods slow absorption of medications.
Who knows - maybe with the pressure of the competition, Pfizer will release a reformulated fast-acting version of Viagra. A sublingual form would probably go over well. In fact, you know what would be awesome? Viagra pop rocks - that fizzy candy that explodes on your tongue.That would kill two birds with one stone - a faster acting drug that appeals to a younger demographic and combats Viagra's image as a geriatric medication. Of course, there's no way that would ever fly with the FDA, but it's a fun thought.