Viagra in a Can? Pour Youself a Stiff One

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It's an old joke that made the internet meme rounds years ago - that phony press release announcing "liquid Viagra" in soft drink form. What did they call it? Mount-n-Do or something like that.

Now artist Robert Gauldin has taken it a step further, imagining what it would look like if you could get Viagra in a can (as well as other pharmaceuticals) out of a vending machine.


This is just a conceptual representation of what a Viagra beverage might look like. The packaging is a bit minimal, but nicely done, and the soda can silhouette looks is iconic, but in reality, another format might be more practical. Because this would be a drink you'd want to slam down, not sip.

I envision something much smaller, along the lines of one of those Starbucks Double Shots, or mini Coke cans. Or even one of those 5-hour-energy bottles. You wouldn't want carbonation (belching's not sexy) and too much fluid intake before sex (as any beer drinker will tell you) will lead to inconveniently timed bathroom breaks.

So, does it come in a 12-pack?

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by PDE5Guy published on November 13, 2011 1:45 AM.

The Worst Kind of Viagra Abuse was the previous entry in this blog.

Viagra: The Despot's Drug of Choice? is the next entry in this blog.

This is the blog for the Viagra Stories website, aka where real people share their experiences taking Viagra.
