It's difficult to say whether Viagra has any lasting effects for really, really long-term use, since the drug has only been available for about 13 years. There simply isn't any data about longer term use. Moreover, a lot of reported "side effects" have a correlated, rather than cause-and-effect, relationship with Viagra usage, meaning it's not clear whether the symptom is caused directly by the drug, develops in combination with other factors, or is just a coincidence.
While there are no problems known to be associated specifically with prolonged Viagra use, some side effects are acute and others take time to develop, so you would have to be using the drug over a period of time to experience them.
Some of the more serious effects can include joint pain and inflammation, bone loss, hearing loss, vision problems, and anemia. It's important to note that while heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems have been associated with taking Viagra, most of those users already had heart disease or were at risk for it. This is why it's so important to consult with your doctor before taking Viagra, and get regular check ups while using the drug.
One report we'd like to debunk: there's an article in circulation, supposedly from the New York Times, that cites unspecified US and UK studies claiming that long-term Viagra use causes permanent loss of sex drive and even genital shrinkage. Although it's been passed around on a lot of internet forums, the article is bogus, never appeared in any credible news publication, and contains completely inaccurate information.
So, if you're a regular, long-time user, don't worry that Viagra will kill your libido or cause your manhood to wither away. However, you should pay attention to any changes in your health, and check in regularly with your physician, especially if you smoke, use other medications, or are at risk for heart disease or other serious conditions.