1. Lose Weight/Get In Shape - Viagra can help you get the kind of cardio-vascular workout you'll really enjoy. But like they say: check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program, especially if it involves Viagra.
2. Quit Smoking - Honestly, Viagra's not going to help you much here, especially if you like to indulge in a smoke after lovemaking. Maybe try the patch or gum.
3. Help Others - Donate some of your Viagra to a worthy cause. Hundreds of folks sent Viagra tablets to a veterinary hospital to help out Ingrid the pitbull, who must take the drug daily for her heart. Or consider sending some to the poor codgers in the UK, to supplement the paltry two tablet per month ration that the national health plan is trying to impose.
4. Get Out of Debt/Spend Less Money - If you're trying to conserve cash, a romantic evening at home with Viagra is way cheaper than dinner and/or entertainment - a typical dose costs less than the price of a movie ticket
5. Get Organized - You want to always be able to find your Viagra when you need it. So get a little pill canister you can put on your keychain. Clean out your medicine cabinet, alphabetize the contents, get rid of any expired medications, and replace your pill splitter if it's getting dull.
6. Be Less Stressed - Everyone knows sex is one of the best stress relievers around. And you'll have even less stress if you use Viagra, because you won't be worrying about experiencing an equipment failure.
7. Improve Relationship - There are no guarantees, but Viagra has helped bring countless couples closer over the years. If your erectile dysfunction has caused the spark or intimacy to go out of your relationship, Viagra could give it the kickstart it needs.
Oh, and in case the Mayan calendar predictions about 2012 come true and civilization as we know it ends, be sure to stockpile some Viagra for your post-apocalyptic bunker.