In Union City, New Jersey, 75-year-old Rafael Molfa Gandulla called police to report a break in and theft of some luggage. While searching the premises for evidence, the cops came across $2,000 worth of Viagra and Cialis.
Wow. Costco pharmacy must have been having a special on the 5 lb. jars.
How much is $2,000 worth of Viagra? Well, at $7.50 per pill (a typical price), that's about 266 tablets. A few pills short of a kilo, but still, that's a well-stocked medicine cabinet. Is there any legitimate reason to have that much in your possession? Maybe he was kind of OCD and had anxiety about getting caught without his Viagra when he needed it. Maybe he was hoarding it to drive the price up.
It probably seems a little sketchy to have thousands of dollars of pharmaceuticals on hand. Especially when you also have $20,000 in cash sitting around your house. Theoretically, all those pills might have been for Mr. Gurdulla's personal use - he is 75, after all. Although, judging from his mug shot he doesn't exactly look like Casanova material. But whether or not all of that was for Mr. Gardulla is moot - since he didn't have a prescription. He also had a small amount of (non-medical) marijuana, and received drug charges for both.
Detectives speculate that the stolen luggage may also have contained thousands worth of pills. Mr. Gurdulla said the luggage had been packed for a trip he was about to leave on. There would have been a lot of rockin' on that cruise ship.
So what's this guy's story? Viagra smuggler? Geriatric swinger? Or obsessive compulsive pharmaceutical hoarder? If you could work a dead body in there somewhere, it would make a great episode of CSI.