The treatment involves firing blasts of low powered sound waves at the patient's private parts, It's supposedly painless - just some tapping followed by a tingling sensation. The sound waves, which in other applications have been used to break up kidney stones and reduce joint inflammation, somehow stimulate the genital tissue to generate more blood vessels. That means more blood flow, and better erections.
The treatment is currently available in the UK, at a cost of about $2500 for a dozen 15-minute treatments. The machine the doctors use to administer the sound waves is a big cart-like contraption called the ED1000. Sounds like some kind of sexbot or a high tech vibrator. Well, actually, it is a high tech vibrator.
Researchers note that the treatment is only effective for those whose ED has a physical cause, such as diabetes or heart disease; it doesn't help those whose impotence is related to psychological issues. Those folks might benefit from other low-pitched sound waves - like maybe a Barry White album.