She persisted even after the poor guy was exhausted, but "because he saw no other alternative, he complied with the woman's wishes another few times so he could finally leave the apartment," a police spokesman said.
So, that would be - what? seven, eight, ten times they got it on by then? Even after that, she still wouldn't let him go and blocked his exit from the apartment. Eventually he fled onto a balcony, where he took refuge and called for police. And when they arrived? - she tried to seduce them too.
Come to think of it, maybe Viagra was to blame for getting the guy into this mess to begin with. I mean, how could he physically perform that many times without some help? But even though Viagra might have raised her expectations of his stamina, there are reasonable limits to what it can do.
As for the woman, she's facing possible charges of assault and illegal restraint - and will probably be hearing from a few drug companies looking to harness the secret of her unstoppable libido for a female Viagra drug.