It's mid-April and the tax deadline is quickly approaching. You have a couple of extra days this year because the 15th falls on a Sunday - taxes are due the 17th. Of course, you want to take every deduction possible, so by all means, don't forget to write off your Viagra if you're taking medical deductions.
How do you know if you can take medical deductions at all? Well, IRS Publication 502 lays it all out for you. Your total medical expenses have to exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income; you can deduct the amount over that 7.5%. In order to take the deduction, you'll have to use a tax form, like the 1040 (no 1040EZ) that includes itemized deductions. Oh, just go get TurboTax. Or go to H and R Block.
What's that? You're shy about telling the tax preparer that you take Viagra? Probably you won't need to. You usually don't have to specify every single item you're deducting. Your tax accountant will probably have you complete a worksheet where you'll need to fill in the total for prescription drugs - but you won't need to list them individually.
Do save the pharmacy receipts for your Viagra, though! You will need them in case you ever get audited. This is another reason to be sure that you only get prescription Viagra, and get it from a reputable source. It's OK if you've ordered it from an online pharmacy, as long as it's prescribed. If ordering online, it's best to order from a US pharmacy. It's generally safer for health reasons, and the IRS has some rules excluding drugs shipped from other countries.
Some people might not think of deducting their Viagra because it's often considered a "lifestyle" drug - but if you're taking it because you have erectile dysfunction, and not just because you're partying, it's being used to treat a medical condition and meets the criteria for being a deductible expense.