Italian pharmacists
on strike? Lady lawmakers imposing
unreasonable regulations to block your prescription? Don't worry fellas, all you need to do is head to Argentina to score some
free Viagra, courtesy of the Argentinian state of Santa Fe.
The province's state-run pharmaceutical factory is gearing up to produce generic sildenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, as well as a pediatric formulation for treating pulmonary hypertension.
Health Minister Miguel Cappiello told the media that "They're moving forward on the trials to produce sildenafil, which
will be distributed free among those who need it, to deal with different
conditions within the framework of the public policies on the
production of medications."
What about Pfizer's patent, you ask? Good question. U.S. patent courts ruled that Pfizer's patent on the use of sildenafil to treat ED is good till 2019. But this is Argentina, hombre! Pfizer lost their Latin America patents a long time ago.
Viva Viagra indeed!