I know, that doesn't really sound like anything new. You can go online or to any adult store and get some kind of "delay cream", but Wyllie's concoction, named Tempe, is a bit different. While it's made from two topical anesthetics, it doesn't cause the numbing sensation similar products do. It can also be applied up to two hours in advance of sex, so you don't have to explain to your date why you're spritzing your junk.
The spray is also likely to be much cheaper and accessible than other pharmaceutical alternatives, such as off-label anti-depressants, or Priligy (dapoxetine). I'd also imagine it has fewer side effects than pills.
In trials, the spray helped some men last eight times longer, but the average user can expect to last around three times his typical duration. Apparently it doesn't do much to help men who don't have PE issues. No word on if it has any synergistic effect with Viagra.
Wyllie says he thinks the drug could be "the next blockbuster", and the spray could be on the market in Europe by fall of next year.