If you think one woman scorned is bad, how about five? And that's what you get for having six wives.
Nigerian businessman Uroko Onoja was having sex with one wife when the other five wives barged in and demanded some attention too. Seems they had been plotting together when hubby came rolling in from a late night at the bar and headed into the bedroom of his youngest wife to get some nookie.
Wives number one through five confronted him and compelled the man to have sex with each of them, one after another, in a marathon session. Onoja made it to wife number four, then ran out of steam. For good. As in, he died.
According to wife six, the others took off after Onoja stopped breathing. Two of the women have been charged with his death.
So, do you think Viagra could have saved Onoja? Or was it responsible for his demise? I mean, if he was able to have intercourse with four women (or even five if he had sex with the first wife before being interrupted) he probably had some help.
This sounds like it could be a mashup between that story about a guy who was kept captive and fed Viagra so he could be used as a sex slave, and the guy who died after consuming a massive amount of Viagra so he could win a dare to have a 12-hour sex marathon with two women.
Of course, this is all speculation. There's been no mention that Viagra or any other drugs were involved.