Patrick Trueman, president of Morality in Media and an anti-porn crusader, asserts that early access to porn is making young men sexually dysfunctional by the time they reach their 20's.
"It's the Viagra problem for guys in their 20s," Trueman said. Young males are now spending "10 to 12 years looking at porn on the Internet and masturbating to it, so when they are getting married, they are dysfunctional sexually because their brain maps are changed. They enjoy what they've been doing for 10 to 12 years. Normal sex is not something that gets them excited."
If that's the case, then Viagra isn't going to be the fix. They'll just take Viagra, then go watch porn and whack off 5 times as long.
Republicans, you're so cute when you get all worked up over restricting people's sexual freedoms. I love that Romney's campaign promised he would "vigorously" prosecute pornographers if elected president. Go get 'em, Mitt.