Locker Room Talk: Viagra in the NFL?

Chicago Bears wide receiver Brandon Marshall may have let a trade secret slip when he commented about Viagra use by NFL players. Marshall had been asked about players using Adderall, and while he didn't know anything about that, he did offer that he's heard of others taking Viagra to get "a competitive edge".

Marshall added that he didn't need athletic performance enhancers himself because he was "blessed with size". No doubt.

Of course, the use of Viagra to get an edge in sports isn't new. Cyclists have used it, the Yankees' Roger Clemens got caught stashing a GNC bottle full of it in his locker, so why not football players?

Why do athletes take Viagra? It's chief effect is achieved by increasing blood flow to the nether regions, but that same mechanism can also increase circulation to the lungs and muscles, improving blood oxygenation and stamina. Athletic stamina, that is.

Of course, when contacted for comment, a Pfizer spokesperson was quick to say that Viagra is intended only for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

What I wonder is, wouldn't those tight pants get kind of uncomfortable?