Thirty-five? What on earth was he thinking? Planning an epic date-night? The story makes a little more sense when we learn that he and his pub-mates had been on a two-day bender.
"My mate brought them downstairs, I just said I'd take one for a laugh
and one led to two to three, et cetera," Medforth told The Daily Beast.
Bad idea. Very bad idea. This is a good time to remind everyone to a) only take prescription medications like Viagra under a doctor's supervision, b) follow the dosing and directions given by your doctor and pharmacist, and c) never take someone else's medication.
(On a side note, the U.K.'s national health program rations Viagra to one pill per week per patient, so it's curious to begin with that his buddy had 35 tablets on hand. Perhaps he had been hoarding them, or paid extra for them out of pocket. Wonder if Medforth's going to pay his pal back for the loss.)
Anyway, the poor bloke ended up with a "massive erection" that wouldn't go away, along with some other unpleasant symptoms: "I ended up feeling sick, dizzy and hallucinating -- everything I saw was green." (Having the visual field turn greenish is an uncommon but know side effect of Viagra. If you're a sildenafil user and you start seeing green, contact your doctor.)
He got a dressing down from his doctors, angered his wife (did he expect she'd be happy to have him come home hopped up on Viagra?), and spent two days in the hospital. Even when he got out, Medforth lived with the aftereffects for days: his painful and hypersensitive member sprang up at the slightest touch, giving him continual but "useless" erections.
All things considered, he was lucky. Excessive Viagra use resulted in the amputation of a Colombian man's penis (he'd had an erection for several days before seeking medical attention, and gangrene had set in), and a fatal heart attack for a Russian man who took a bottle of the drug while engaging in a 12-hour sex marathon.
As it was, Medforth just had to suffer through some pain and embarrassment, and a hard week. A very hard week.