How to Make Viagra Christmas Decorations new! 12/22/2010
Santa isn't getting any younger, and
ground up reindeer antler just isn't
doing the trick any more. Give Santa the
hint he needs with these festive Viagra
ornaments, guaranteed to keep your tree
from sagging.
Viagra Garland
Make a paper template shaped like a Viagra pill, about 1"x1.5". Cut around it with the X-acto knife to make the pill shapes. ![]() Pour a puddle of white glue onto a plate or dish, and make a pile of glitter in another dish. Carefully roll the edges of each pill in the glue, then roll in the glitter. Place on a nonporous surface (like a piece of plastic) to dry. ![]() Lay a few pill shapes in a row, spacing about an inch apart. Lay a silver pipe cleaner across the pills, long ways. Leave about an inch of exposed pipe cleaner on each end. Hot glue the pipe cleaner to the pills, one at a time, holding each one in place until the glues sets. Put the hot glue on the pipe cleaner and let it sink in, rather than putting it directly on the foam, which may cause it to melt. Connect the finished pipe cleaners segments by twisting the ends together. ![]() Viagra Snowflake Materials
Make two paper templates shaped like Viagra pills, about 1"x1.5" and slightly smaller. Cut around the templates with the X-acto knife to make 6 large blue and 6 smaller pill shapes. ![]() Lay the white shapes out in a circular pattern, equidistant from the center and each other. Use two silver pipe cleaners for each axis of the snowflake, and lay them across the foam shapes in a star pattern. ![]() Hot glue the pipe cleaners into place, sandwiching them between the white and blue foam shapes. Add the snowflake "crossbars" between the arms as you go. Hold each one in place until the glue solidifies. ![]() Separate the ends of the pipe cleaners and bend out at a 45 degree angle. Hang to display, or use it as a tree topper. ![]() Viagra "Pill in a Bottle"
Make a paper template shaped like a Viagra pill, sized to fit across the diameter of the ornament. ![]() Trace the shape onto the sponge, and cut out with scissors.
Lightly spray the surface of the sponge with spray adhesive, then roll in glitter and shake off. ![]() Let the adhesive dry completely, then roll the pill shape up and stuff into the ornament shell. Use a chopstick or pencil if necessary to get the pill to unroll and flatten out.
Replace the top on the ornament. ![]() Big Blue Pill Ornament Materials
Make a paper template shaped like a Viagra pill, about 2" x 3". Trace the shape onto the styrofoam, and cut it out using the serrated knife. Bevel the edges to shape into a rough pill form. ![]() Rub the styrofoam against the sandpaper to smooth the surface and refine the shape. ![]() Stick 3 or 4 toothpicks in one side of the pill, to support it as it dries. Brush with a couple of coats of Mod Podge or sealant. ![]() When dry, paint with acrylic paints. Fashion a loop or hook out of thin wire to hang the ornament. Drill a small hole in the top of the pill. Fill with hot glue, insert the wire, and hold until set. Soft Felt Viagra Ornament
Use the 2" x 3" Viagra pill template from the styrofoam pill ornament. Trace around it on the felt, and cut two shapes, leaving about a quarter inch margin all around. Pin the felt shapes together, with the marked sides outward (this will be turned inside-out, so they'll end up on the inside. Sew three of the four sides closed. Turn inside out and stuff with filling. Carefully sew the open side closed, sewing from the inside and pressing the cut edges of the fabric inward. Sew a loop of thread on the top of the ornament for hanging.
Use glitter glue to write out the Viagra identification markings on the pill face.
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