I take 25mg on an empty stomach with
a tall glass of water at 8:00AM. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the
average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. -
Age 65, Florida
I decided to try a 25mg Viagra pill.
I could feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than
usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria
A full 100
mg. will give you a Ginsu carving knife that, if put to
ultimate use, will render her suitable for burial in a Y-shaped coffin.
For most of us, 50 mg. is plenty, ensuring that you can return to a
deflated state between orgasms, if so desired...But you may have to
picture your grandmother naked, to do so.
The effects last 3 or 4 hours, and it
takes 30 to 45 minutes to kick in. 25 or 50 mg tabs work the same for
me, no difference. Go for it... - Art, Age 62, Texas
I bought a pill cutter at the
grocery store and cut a 50 mg pill in half. It worked faster than a 1/2
hour and I had the first complete sexual experience in over 6 YEARS!
William, Age 42, Texas
25mg is best for me and I have found
that Viagra makes me a super stud and the girl rides me and always has
an orgasm or two. - Pablo, 42, Texas
I find that 25 mg two hours prior to
sex is best for me, and allows sensitivity, to remain at its peak. When
trying 50 or 100,mg, it took away much of the feeling, and you
need stimulation to maintain erection. More is definitely not better, in
my case. - Phil, Age 60, California
25mg begins to work in about 15
minutes to a half an hour and lasts for 3 hours or so, Able to have an
erection and intercourse more than once in a few hours. - Age 65, New
York City
My doctor
prescribed 50 mg Viagra. Wow. Instant hard on that lasts for a long
time. I take 50 mg about three times a week.
I have tried 100mg from time to time
but actually seem to do better with the smaller doses. - JR, Age
You have to
experiment with the dosage and time lag. I started with 50 mg (good to
rev my engine, I think) but ultimately found that 25 mg about 90 minutes
before sex is ideal for me. Lower dosage means less nasal congestion and
more feeling during sex. But 25 mg still leaves me rock hard and able to
hold off climaxing just about as long as I want.
I have
experimented with dosage and now find that 25 mg about one half hour
before sex is perfect for me. I'm rock hard and can go forever.
I have the
pharmacist split a 100 mg pill in four for me so I take 25 mg at a time.
When I want to go all night I take the full 100 mg.
I cut a 50
mg in half and find that to be enough.
We came at
the same time, and boy did I cum. What force! What makes
this whole experience ever better is that I only used half of a 50 mg
I started off with 25
mg, and have reduced it down to 12.5 mg (roughly - I split the 100 mg
pill to 8) and find that with this reduced dose, I can still have a rock
hard erection as well as a greatly reduced headache.
I have since realized I only need
25mg to keep and maintain an erection. But originally, that night, I
took 50mg. - Bill, Chicago, Age 42
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