To make this site even more useful, we've distilled and categorized the Viagra experiences we've received so far to give you information on specific topics. Use the links below to read these short digests:
145. My Husband and I
My husband and I have been married many years and the thrill had gone
out of our sex life. We were only making love once a month because he
was having a tough time getting it up and keeping it up.
On his suggestion, we ordered some Viagra online. The first night
he took one 50 mg. tablet on an empty stomach. We waited 30 minutes...
nothing. an hour... nothing. Then I started to go down on him.. WOW!!!
He achieved an extremely hard erection in seconds. He was like he was at
18 years old, when we routinely made love 3 times a day.
We went upstairs and for the next two hours made passionate love. He was
thrilled with the strength of his erection and so was I. For the first
time in many years I had two orgasms during sex. When he came he
screamed and said it was the most intense orgasm of his entire life.
Then an hour later we had sex again and again in the morning!.
I am a believer in Viagra. This stuff is a miracle pill!!Click Here to Order Viagra
144. Ten Years Later
I got diabetes when I was twenty and before that, sex with my wife was
great. My friend told me to take some Viagra and I did. I took a 25mg
dose 15 minutes before sex on an empty stomach. That night was
incredible! That was the hardest and biggest I've ever been! - Age 35,
North Carolina |
143. Success After Prostate Seed Implant
Have tried both Viagra & Cialis after having a seed implant to the
prostate, both work great for me. I think using each on the right
occasion is ideal. Cialis keeps your primed for 36 hrs where as Viagra
runs out of steam in about 6 hrs. I disagree that sexual thoughts only
are needed to obtain an erection, with both pills even after sex I tend
to be in a semi primed state ready to go again & again, Its like being a
17 year old again, if you haven't tried either yet don't delay, life's
shorter than you think. |
142. Back in the Saddle Again
My problem is a lessening of the physical erection. I still have the
sexual urge, manipulation still feels good, and I can still ejaculate.
But all this while I'm only semi-hard, not stiff enough to penetrate.
First I tried Levitra, under the same circumstances every time (empty
stomach, no alcohol) 1st time worked great, 2nd time didn't work at all,
3rd time worked pretty well, 4th time worked poorly. I didn't like that
ratio, most especially the unpredictability, because I'm single. So I
asked the doctor to write me one for Viagra. I've taken the 100 size
four times, with a totally 100% success rate. I get a stuffy nose, and
it changes my vision, it's like I can see the air glowing. I don't care
about the side effects, I'm back in the saddle again. - Al, Age 63,
NebraskaClick Here to Order Viagra
141. Take It 40 Minutes Before Sex
I have used Viagra on and off for two years. I only take about 25mg
which is just right for me. I find that the best time to take it is
around 40 minutess before sex. I laid off it for a while as I found it
improved my erection so much that I didn't need it for around 6 months.
Just started with it again the other night. My wife couldn't believe the
size and hardness. It excited her so much she just jumped on me and had
great fun!! Viagra is great and works well. Only drawback is a stuffy
nose, red face and sometimes a headache. - Age 48, UK |
140. Overcoming Side Effects from other Meds
My boyfriend had two knee surgeries and was on some meds that gave him
ED pretty bad. Naturally, I was getting upset being as though he was
only 30 and I was only 24. He started taking Viagra and he was going at
hit so hard, I had to start turning him away. It used to be that he
would cum just as soon as we got started but afterwards it was sex for
an hour, then a 10 minute break (usually for him to get a snack lol)
then back at it again. |
139. 10 Years Strong
I have been taking Viagra for about 10 years now, I find its very
helpful in maintaining my sex life with my wife of 45 years. Our love
gets stronger by the day. Great sex is a real gift, even at our age. -
Age 64, Michigan |
138. Helped after Seed Implant for Prostate Cancer
After a seed implant for prostate cancer I developed. ED. With Viagra
it's like being a 18 year-old again. I recommend for any man who can't
get it up. Believe me guys go for it life is to short enjoy yourself. -
Dave, Age 64 |
137. The Release and Pleasure I Need
I had erection problems due to blood pressure medication. After
getting a Viagra prescription from my doctor, I've found that I'm hard
as long as I want. My wife had hip surgery and couldn't have sex. I
found that masturbation with Viagra gives me the release and pleasure I
had when I was 17. - Age 63, Chicago |
136. What Got Into Me? And Could It Get Into Me More Often?
I am 45 and in the past 5 years or so have not been able to keep an
erection long enough to please my wife of 25 years. I had tried several
things and nothing seemed to help. I talked to my doctor and got 4 100mg
pills. I took 1/2 a pill with a glass of water and wow. I was harder
then I have been in years, I was able to go until she said stop,
something she hasn't said in 15 years. Later as we rested she asked what
got into me, and could get into me more often? - Jorge, Age 45, New
HampshireClick Here to Order Viagra
135. Hard as a Cue Ball
I took 50 mg on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. The head
got as hard as cue ball. My penis seems to push outward and upward
giving me more reach. I got so hard it "almost hurt" but a little K-Y
and some gentle stroking made it all better. My wife takes care of
reordering. - Nate, Minnesota |
134. I'll Keep This Pills Around Just in Case
My husband and I have been married many years and the thrill had gone out of our sex life. We were only making love once a month because he was having a tough time getting it up and keeping it up.
On his suggestion, we ordered some Viagra online. The first night he took one 50 mg. tablet on an empty stomach. We waited 30 minutes... nothing. an hour... nothing. Then I started to go down on him.. WOW!!! He achieved an extremely hard erection in seconds. He was like he was at 18 years old, when we routinely made love 3 times a day.
133. Be Careful Mixing with Food and Alcohol
I took Viagra after a dinner of hamburger, French fries, and two
glasses of red Merlot wine. The result was total non-performance in bed
one hour later! However, 12 hours later I was able to have an erection.
Moral of the story: Do not eat or drink if you want Viagra to work at
its maximum. Eddie, Age 50, California |
132. I Chew It and Swallow with Water
Antidepressants had robbed me of my full hardness, and made it so
difficult to cum, that sometimes I just gave up. 50mg Viagra and problem
solved! I chew it up (tastes awful) and swallow with water. 15-30
minutes later I am boned like a 16 year old. And can save my load for as
long as I want, or let it go in a hurry. I have found the effect to last
about 2-3 hours, for 2-3 hard-ons. Age 52, Vermont
131. The First Time was Some Improvement, but the Second Time: WOW
I am 67 and have 3 degenerated discs in my lower back which I think
has much to do with my ED. It had got to the point that my wife and I
were beginning to wonder if sex was worth the effort. I finally bit the
bullet and asked my doctor for Viagra. Initially I was told to take 25mg
at first and if it didn't work then try 50mg. Well, 25 didn't work, so I
tried 50. The first time there was some improvement, but next time: WOW!
I had practically forgotten what it was like to have a full erection and
sensation on penetration. and when I climaxed I thought I was going to
explode! Thee cheers for Viagra, and its worth the stuffy nose and
bleary eyes any time. |
130. Again and Again In a Short Space of Time
Have been suffering from ED on and off for over a year now, and like
most of the guys who have related their experiences here, you really
have to experience it to know the knock it gives not just to your sexual
confidence, but also your confidence in general. Recently I confided in
a very good friend the problems I was having, and was stunned to find he
had been using Viagra for well over 18 months. The long and the short of
it is, he supplied me with two 100mg tablets and a lot of good advice as
to dosage and use.
So for the first time last night, I split one of the tablets and tried
it out. Well for almost an hour and a half nothing happened, despite the
best efforts of my lovely wife, except for having a sinking feeling that
I might be one of the 1 in 5 who it doesn't work for, then BANG, the
hardest erection I have had for many years. Not too sure why it seemed
to take longer for me then others, but God, was it good when it did.
The bottom line is that we made love on 5 separate occasions that
evening, something I have never managed since my early twenties, and
wow, was it great to be able to do it again ! What amazed me more then
anything, was not just how hard you get, but how easy it is to do it
again and again in a short space of time. - Steve, Age 43, UK |
129. First Time in 10 Years
I recently started dating again after being divorced for several
years. I hadn't had sex in 10 years but didn't expect any problems. I
was totally depressed when I couldn't get an erection for the first few
times I tried with this beautiful woman I was dating. I decided to try
100 mg Viagra. It did take a couple hours to kick in, but this was after
having a big meal first. When it started to work, I was able to get a
rock hard erection and last longer than I had ever before. What shocked
me was that 15 minutes later, I was ready to go again and the erection
was harder and lasted longer than the first time. I didn't get any sleep
that night because I was in and out of this lovely women all night. -
Age 50, Chicago |
128. It Allowed Me To Completely Focus on Making Love
I had never taken Viagra before a friend gave me one to try. While I
have not had major difficulty in achieving erections, the ones I have
had recently can sometimes wane or go soft. I cut the pill in half and
took it about three hours before I had sex. When we began to kiss, I
achieved an immediate erection which remained hard throughout the
encounter. It was amazing, gratifying and allowed me to completely focus
on making love without worrying about whether my erection would remain
consistent. - Doug, Age 47 |
127. My Wife Went Totally Out of Control
I've been married to the same knock-out of a woman for over 19 years.
At my age I was starting to resemble the old adage, "I'm not as good as
I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was". Well, to make a long
and explicit story short I found out after trying Viagra that I was
never even as good as I thought I once was. WOW! My wife and I went at
it like we were teenagers again for an hour and a half straight! I had 3
climaxes with the same erection over that time and my wife, though
usually a sexual dynamo anyway, went totally out of control. We were on
vacation in a hotel room and I'm fairly certain we woke the neighbors. -
Age 38, St. George
Click Here to Order Viagra
126. I Think I've Settled on the 25mg Dose
After taking blood pressure medication for years, and just recently
being prescribed another medication which has a negative effect on
erections, my Dr. suggested Viagra after my most recent visit. He gave
me a sample pack after the usual checkup and suggested I take the 50mg
dose and adjust from there. I went home and it just so happened that my
wife a I had the afternoon alone. I took a 50mg pill and we readied for
bed. After 15 minutes I felt a stirring. After 30 minutes there was
considerable action at work. I was thicker and harder than I had been in
years. I don't think I was that hard and full at 19. We made love for a
long time, and with great intensity. Afterwards I told my wife, what the
Dr. had prescribed. She was pleased after the initial surprise. Since
then the results have been incredible. We made love three nights in a
row, each time was longer and more intense than the one before.
The night before last, we made love for 2 hours straight without
stopping. I could not ejaculate no matter what my wife or I did. I
finally did after us both working like jack hammers. Last night I used
the 25mg dose, which worked well and allowed me to last, and last, but
be able to ejaculate. I think I've settled on the 25 mg dose, drink lots
of water to help avoid the headache, and find the lowest dose that works
for you. - Bob, Age 48 |
125. I Split That In Half Making A 12.5mg Piece
I'I needed a little "push" in the erection department so I went to the
Dr. and asked him if it was safe for me to use it. I told him I wanted
100mg so I could split it down so it would be more affordable. That
night I split the 100mg tablet down to four 25mg pieces then for the
hell of it took one 25mg and split that in half making a 12.5mg piece.
The following evening I took that little piece about an hour before
hooking up with my lady. It worked great, not poking holes through brick
walls great but very comfortably hard yet flexible just enough for all
positions great. Take my word for it. Even if you have just a small
problem getting an erection Viagra will get you over the "Hump". - Jake,
Age 59, Washington |
124. I Wish I Had This Stuff 20-30 Years Ago
I'm a 52 year old paraplegic (T4 - T5) since an accident when aged 19.
Fortunately I was able to achieve erections after my accident but they
went soft during sex. Enter Viagra. I wish I'd had this stuff 20 -30
years ago. 25mg or 1/4 tablet sees me rigid for hours and ready to go
again in the morning. Sadly for me, finding lady friends who can go the
distance is now a problem! - Age 52, Australia |
123. Cat Couldn't Scratch It
I've never had a problem with achieving an erection, but over the last
two years or so the stiffness factor has suffered some, especially
towards the end of the job. With a 50 mg Viagra, I get a blue steel
throbber. Cat couldn't scratch it! My wife LOVES it. Not many side
affects, slight headache sometimes. MUST take on an empty stomach,
though. Alcohol in moderation (2-3 drinks) doesn't seem to have an
affect. I'm sold. Should have started taking Viagra a few years ago. -
Tom, Age 51, Florida |
122. My First Time in 17 Years
I started using Viagra a year ago. For 17 years I had not had an
erection firm enough to penetrate at all. I felt hopeless and was too
ashamed to seek help. Finally someone encouraged me to ask for Viagra.
Amazing! I achieved a full erection in about 30 minutes. I was able to
have sexual intercourse all the way to climax -- my first in 17 years! I
had forgotten how good it was. Since that initial trial, I now achieve a
full erection with Viagra in about 10 minutes and enjoy sexual
intercourse without failure of my erection every time. - Eddie, Age 55,
North Carolina |
121. Brings Back Abilities I Thought I Had Lost
Viagra makes me feel like a 20-year-old. Seriously, I have multiple
sclerosis and Viagra has brought back abilities I thought I had lost. -
Fred, Age 43, Las Vegas |
120. I Slept Like a Baby and Woke Up With an Erection
A year after being given samples by my doctor, my wife and I went on a
weekend getaway. We had dinner and afterward sat by the river and had
drinks. Between the first and the second drink I went to our room and
took a 50mg tablet. After finishing the second drink we retired to the
room where I got a raging hard-on just thinking about what was about to
happen. We had sex that lasted for an hour, rested thirty minutes, and
started all over again. I slept like a baby and woke up with an erection
and we had sex again. Viagra was a life saver for these two 53 year
olds. - Age 53, Alaska |
119. Dissolving It Under The Tongue
I first tried Viagra after an injury in my youth made any erection a
dream. I tried the 25mg without any effect. My doctor moved me up to the
100mg dose and told me to try half a pill. After moving up in dose, I
finally tried a 100mg dose and was amazed! It was like before my
accident. I have found that by placing the pill under my tongue and
letting it dissolve there, that the effect becomes more apparent
earlier. Usually, within 10 minutes or so. Yes, it tastes pretty bad,
but I'll trade bad taste for great sex any day. - Age 54, OklahomaClick Here to Order Viagra
118. Only 23 But It Worked For Me
I am only 23, and unfortunately I've always had ED; nobody can tell me
why. I have never woken up with an erection, and to maintain an erection
(even through masturbation) was a little difficult. I am currently on
25mg of Viagra. I buy 100mg tabs, and cut them into fours, so I get the
most out of them. They work, and when I wake up now, I have an erection,
most of the time..It's truly worked for me. - Johan, Age 23, Australia
117. I Can Enjoy Longer Foreplay
I like to take Viagra so I can enjoy foreplay longer without worrying
about losing my erection. Sometimes it enhances my orgasm, sometimes
not. I rarely have any side effects though. I like to take it
approximately 1/2 hour prior for it to take effect. Like most others I
bought a splitter as 25 mg is plenty. Occasionally i will have some
nasal congestion, well worth it though. - Ron, Age 57, Illinois |
116. Help With Hypertension
I'm 39 years old and I have been taking anti-hypertensive medication
for the last 6 years. I am suffering from congestive heart failure.
After a year of taking medications, I noticed that my erections were no
longer hard as they used to be. When I first heard about Viagra, I felt
really sad because the initial news articles were saying that this
wonder pill is not for those with heart problems and it may even cause
death especially if you are on nitrates. Along with my
anti-hypertensive, I've been taking nitrates also to take care of my
angina. Needless to say, my situation took a toll on my sex life and I
knew I am depressed although am in denial. My doctor told me however
that I could take Viagra provided I should not take it within 24hours
after I drank my nitrates. This was the best news for me. Well, I am
here because I wanted to tell you that 50mg worked for me on an empty
stomach. My girl was surprised what brought about the woody and the new
passion for sex, or should I call it a "steely". I knew she's suspecting
something, but what the heck, I am willing to tell her if she asked. I
am here because I wanted to tell you guys who are suffering from CHF and
on nitrates that we still have a chance to a wonderful sex life and more
than that - a better relationship with your spouse and a new outlook in
life. Side effects? Forget it, my girl says I look sexier when I am
flushing. - Age 39, Phillipines |
115. I Believe That This Pill Works Wonders
I was noticing a loss in my "mojo" and decided to confront my doctor.
He diagnosed me with ED and that I was sterile, and prescribed Viagra. I
decided to not tell my wife of 5 years. So when after dinner i took half
of the little blue pill, and waited for the excitement to start coming.
It took ten minutes and I was ready to go. Within 20 minutes she was
having the biggest orgasm I had seen yet. We mixed up the positions a
bit, and went at it like teenagers. After I came, I was ready after 5
minutes to go again. We did, and she conceived that night. And those
doctors said it could never happen. I fully believe that this pill works
wonders. I owe it my whole life. We now have a 4 month old baby boy. -
Jacob, Age 28, California |
114. Restarts the Natural Process
A few years back I began noticing the same changes so many of us "Over
45s" are experiencing. I got my first prescription for Viagra (50mg) and
always had the headaches and stuffiness but accepted the tradeoff for
the benefit. At a recent visit to my doctor he set me up with some more
samples and suggested: "Try taking the drug 3 nights in a row. With some
fellas that re-starts the natural process". After getting the Mrs. to
agree "for medical purposes" I took 25mg each night for 3 nights.
Results? Night 4, no "V" and I performed like I was 19 again. We both
loved it. - USA |
113. Now He Can Go Way Longer Than I Can
My 55-year-old boyfriend takes Viagra. It works wonders. He takes two
25-mg tabs and is rock hard for a very long time. He started with one,
and he was semi-hard, so I asked him to take two the next time. This was
definitely the trick. Before he got the magic pill, he knew he couldn't
get an erection and would spend hours pleasuring me other ways, which is
great until I decide I want more and he can't do it. This little magic
pill has make our sex life awesome, and he can go way longer than I can,
and he is 20 years older than me! - Anonymous Woman, Age 34, Wisconsin |
112. Helped With a Long Period of Depression
I take antidepressants. The antidepressant causes very delayed
ejaculation or anorgasmia and a reduced sex drive. Fortunately, Viagra
more than compensates. Physically, it enables full erections. But most
importantly, the confidence that successfull sex has given me has helped
to relieve a long period of depression... - Jeff, Age 51, UK |
111. One Evening I Just Handed It To Him and Said, "Here, Take It!"
My husband and I have suffered with ED for approximately 3 years now.
It had gotten worse last winter and I was feeling the typical crap: I'm
not attractive to him anymore, he doesn't want me, there's another woman
Of course his performance anxiety was just terrible and he didn't even
want to have sex for fear that he couldn't get hard or stay that way.
Well I had gone to the doctor. for a check-up and while I was there I
asked her about some Viagra for my husband, she gave me the samples and
I took them home and they lay in the cabinet for 3 months, he just
couldn't bring himself to take it, and I wouldn't ask. One evening I
just handed it to him and said here take it, he didn't say anything just
put it in his mouth and swallowed. 45 minutes later we had the best sex
we had had in years! It was AMAZING!!!!!! He was longer, and harder than
he had been in 20 years! Ladies don't be afraid to take matters into
your own hands and help your man out, get the samples yourself if your
partner is to embarrassed or ashamed you will be so glad you did. -
Anonymous Woman, Age 44, Indiana |
110. I, a Real Person, Vouch For The Pill's Capabilities
I took Viagra for the first time last night. I split a 100 mg pill (50
mg) and at first, I did not feel any thing at all. I thought this stuff
does not work.. However I decided to move forward with having sex with
my wife, because I was in the mood. Well, let me tell you, once my wife
started stimulating me, I experienced an erection that scared me. Now
typically after the first round we go to sleep.. Not only did the first
round last approximately an hour it was deep penetrating sex. After 20
minutes my wife was back for round two and she had the most deeply
satisfying orgasm that one could imagine. It has been years since I have
seen this. I was skeptical of all of the claims, but I, a real person,
vouch for the pills capabilities. Like others, I will work with
adjusting the amount, I will try 25mg next time. Age 47, Chicago |
109. No More Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am
After a dismal start with my new friend I went to my doctor and
complained about the meds that I was taking interfered with my sex life.
I received a prescription and 4 free Viagra of 100 mg. Well after
reading on how men reduce to dose I decided to cut it down to 50 mg. The
next time my girl friend and I went to bed I did well for 40 minutes and
she was exhausted - no more wham bang thank you ma'am. I made me
extremely happy now and we do go on for a whole weekend, 3 days night
and the morning after. - Dave, Age 63, Michigan |
108. I Prefer Small Doses
I am 62 and had a heart attack 12 years ago. I keep myself fit and I
have been using Viagra for 3 years. I prefer taking small amounts --.
half or even less of a 25mg tablet, This amount works on an empty
stomach with half a glass of water. I occasionally take about 20mgs -
then wow, I want to go on for hours! I have tried taking 25mg and 50mg
at one time but I find it is too much and reduces the sensations. It is
a sensational product! |
107. 50 mg Works Wonders
My boyfriend began having problems with erections (he's older) and I
suggested he look into Viagra. Boy, am I glad he did! The first time he tried
it, one 50 mg pill did nothing so he took another and that was a mistake. Three
hours later he was still rock hard and had come multiple times (so had I)!! Since then a
single 50 mg dose does it very well--he's now good for almost 2 hours of good hard
sex that leaves both of us worn out. - Bobbie, USA |
106. Saved My Marriage
I have been on blood pressure meds for years. I was having no problem getting hard but I would lose it right in the middle of sex. I asked one doctor about Viagra
because my wife was blaming herself, saying she did not turn me on anymore, I did not find her attractive, etc. Well, the doctor said to use more direct stimulation, so I
shocked him and said how much more direct can you get than a blowjob. I would go soft during a blowjob. I went to a different doctor and he asked me if I wanted to try
Viagra and I said yes. I will never forget the first time I tried it. I split a 100 mg in half, went and took a shower and was anticipating sex with my wife and thinking
about her and wham, I got hard! I wanted to run out and show her, but didn't. We went to bed and soon she looked over at me and my erection, her eyes get big and she said,
"Oh my God, look at how big and hard you are and I haven't even touched you yet." She and I both loved it. I get erections like I was 18! I last longer before I come, I am
larger and very hard, and like many have said, I can repeat again soon if I want and the effects last even into the next a.m. To make a long story short, a doctor and a
little blue pill saved my marriage. - Age 47, Nebraska |
105. 11-year ED Cured
I am a 27-year-old male model from NY, and I have been suffering from ED since I lost my virginity at 16. I am a very good-looking male, and I can get almost any girl I
want, but I was always too afraid of the embarrassment of facing a girl after 2 minutes of sex. I was tired of pleasing my girlfriend of 4 years orally. I started
noticing Viagra pills laying around my father's house, and was very curious about how they worked! I knew they had to work if my father at the age of 53 was taking them. I
snuck two of his 50-mg pills, and took them home, where they laid on my dresser for 2 weeks, because I was skeptical of it actually working. After 2 weeks I finally
decided to pop one of the pills 30 minutes before sex, and I was amazed at the results! After I had my daily 2-minute orgasm, I thought "Oh No, it didn't work" and
assumed my dick would go soft a minute later as usual, But it stayed ROCK HARD literally for at least 4 hours. I kept going, and going! I was having sex like I
never imagined I could. I came at least two more times that night, and it never went down! My girlfriend was blown away, and begged me to stop! I never thought I would
have a girl say that to me! Viagra definitely is a miracle pill. I thought I would have to deal with ED for the rest of my life. I would recommend Viagra to anyone
curious enough to try it! And hopefully we will see your positive results posted on this site with the rest of ours. - Chris, Age 27, New York |
104. 75 mg did the trick
I have moderate/severe ED for two years and started taking 50 mg of Viagra two months ago with only moderate success in reaching an orgasm, even with my wife assisting me orally. I talked to my Doctor and he increased the dosage to 75 mg and told me not to try every day. I waited three days, and took the 75 mg. Within one hour I was rock hard and serviced my wife thru four orgasms! After about two hours she performed oral sex on me and and I had the most intense orgasm of my life. - Mark, Age 65, Chicago
103. I Can't Tell You How Much Fun We Had
Physically fit and trim (6', 178 lbs) at age 40, seven years into marriage, I began noticing difficulty maintaining an erection. In the middle of sex, my hard-on would wane away. I soon found myself avoiding sex; performance anxiety only made matters worse, bringing new meaning to the words "soft-on." I could not believe this was happening to me. My interest in sex was as it always had been -- on my mind frequently. For me, the inability to maintain a good hard-on during sex was accompanied by a huge sense of loss, disappointment and embarrassment.
I made an appointment to see a urologist. After discussing the matter with me, my doc gave me two trial packs of Viagra and a script, saying I should try out the meds and see if they work before I fill the script.
That night, I couldn't wait to take the blue pill, a 100mg dose. I took it on an empty stomach with a full glass of water and waited 30 minutes before having dinner. After about 45 minutes, my nose began to get quite stuffy and my face was slightly flushed.
About an hour or so after taking Viagra, my wife and I went behind closed doors for a little adventure -- not knowing what the results may be. I stripped down and got in bed while she went through her nighttime ritual getting ready for bed. Once she emerged from the dressing room, the sight of her incredible, naked body started to get me going. I could begin to feel my dick getting hard, really hard. We got after it for awhile, and all I can say is that my confidence and hard-on were unflappable. It's no exaggeration to say that we fucked non-stop for almost an hour and my dick was as hard as ever. I felt 18 again. We tried Viagra again and again that week, with great results every time, and I cannot tell you how much fun we had.
The 100mg dose is too much for me. I split the tablet in thirds and found that about 33mgs works best for me. Sometimes I get a slight headache, stuffy nose, and flushed face, but the short-lived, mild side effects are well worth an incredibly good fuck.
And to top it off, my insurance pays for this medication (although they'll only allow 10 tablets a month... those prudes). - Grant, Age 42, Texas |
102. Like Being a Teenager Again
I was losing my erection during intercourse and during oral sex with my girlfriend. I am in good health and have always enjoyed sex. It was difficult to pinpoint the problem so I decided to order some Viagra online. After a brief online consultation which decided I was suffering from slight ED, I ordered my Viagra which arrived in two days. I ordered 4x100mg pills and on the weekend decided to give it a go without saying anything to my girlfriend. 35 minutes before we went to bed I took half a pill, and WOW!! what a difference. I had a rock hard erection for over an hour of non stop sex. Even after I had climaxed I was ready to go again in twenty minutes, which we did. this lasted for over two hours, and I was still hard in the shower after. It was like being a teenager over again. Amazing!!
If you have a problem with ED, try Viagra, it is great!! - Steve, Age 46, UK
101. Happy Daddy
From age 45 I had trouble getting and keeping an erection so sex was
so rare an event my wife came off the pill. Unknown to her ( I was
embarrassed) I took Viagra. I did not realize she was in the middle of
her fertile time so guess what, she fell pregnant. She is 46 but so far
the doctor says all is well and we expect our 4th child in a couple of
months time. Thank you Viagra. - Dave, Age 51.
Click Here to Order Viagra
100. 10 Minutes Later and Erect Again
I take meds for high blood pressure and diabetes. I started having
problems with losing my erection after a few minutes. When I told my
doctor, he asked if I wanted to try Viagra. I said sure. He wrote the
script for 50mg and advised trying splitting them in half. I took a 25mg
dose and was amazed. I got very hard and lasted a good half hour before
my orgasm. We rested 10 minutes or so and then was erect again. Works
the same every time now. Even 6 to 8 hrs later I find myself getting a
hard erection. - Del, Age 58, Indiana |
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