Overall, which is better, Levitra or Viagra?
Short Answer:
Both drugs work essentially the same way and both have similar side effects.
Levitra may work a little faster in some people and may be less sensitive to food or
alcohol intake.
Viagra has been around for a lot longer and has
a proven safety track record.
Long Answer: No controlled
studies have yet been done comparing Levitra directly with Viagra, so it
is difficult to compare features directly. However, here is an overview of
some of the issues:
Levitra Pros:
- May work somewhat
- May be more effective
even on a full stomach (though even Levitra is slowed by a very fatty
- Less likely to have
visual disturbance side effect (Viagra sometimes causes a bluish tint to
vision, a harmless side effect that wears off along with the drug)
Viagra Pros:
- Extremely well-tested
and well understood drug. Viagra has been taken by millions of people
worldwide. Levitra is a newer drug that has not been used by as many people. .
Issues where neither has
an advantage:
- Effective in about the
same percentage of people (about 80%)
- Work essentially in
the same way
- Have similar side
- About the same price
- Last about the same
amount of time (3-4 hours)
Reference Sources:
Levitra vs. Viagra
Overall, which is better, Levitra or Viagra?
Which works faster?
Which has fewer side effects?
If I take both will it work better?
Viagra doesn't work for me, will Levitra?
What is the equivalent dose?
Which costs less?