Levitra FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Levitra

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What are the most common side effects for Levitra?

Short Answer: The most common side effects are headache, flushing, stuffy or runny nose, and upset stomach. These side effects should go away within a few hours. if they don't, or if you have any other serious side effects, you should contact your doctor.

Long Answer:

Here is a table of common side effects from the FDA-approved package insert.

  Placebo Levitra
Headache 4% 15%
Flushing 1% 11%
Rhinitis 3% 9%
Dyspepsia 1% 4%
Accidental Injury 2% 3%
Sinusitis 1% 3%
Flu Syndrome 2% 3%
Sinusitis 1% 2%
Increased Creatine Kinase 1% 2%
Nausea 1% 2%

All symptoms, except for headache, decrease greatly with lower dosage. So, you should try to take as little Levitra as you can while still being effective. Also, over several months of use, the frequency and intensity of side effects may decrease as your body gets used to the drug.

What are the most common side effects?
Who should NOT take Levitra?
What are possibly dangerous drug interactions?
How can I lessen side effects?
I am taking a specific drug, can I take Levitra too?


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